Three esteemed academics kindly provided endorsements on the back cover of my new book Banking in Crisis. Here is what they say: Richard S. Grossman (Wesleyan Univerity): " Banking in Crisis combines the very best of serious academic scholarship and keen policy analysis. It should be required reading for anyone - expert and non-expert alike - who is interested in the past, present and future of British banking." Avner Offer (University of Oxford): "What makes for stable banking? Bankers are prone to gamble with depositors' money. What keeps them honest is a personal stake, or tight regulation. Turner shows that since 1825, stability required either one or the other, and that relaxation of discipline, whatever its advantages, has placed the financial system at risk. The past worked for a long time and the present doesn't." Kent Matthews (Cardiff University): "John Turner has done the community of banking scholars, regulators and p...