This very day last year, my book Banking in Crisis was published by Cambridge University Press. Since its publication, I have given talks about it at the Bank of England, Schroders, the Library of Mistakes in Edinburgh, University College Dublin, and Lund University. I also enjoyed launching the book back in September at Queen's Management School. It was great seeing my book go into the top 10,000 books in Amazon and I enjoyed getting my first royalty cheque - nowhere near a 'living wage' could be obtained from authoring academic books in case you are wondering! The year ahead will bring academic reviews in scholarly journals - I'm interested to see what my academic peers will have to say about my book. It has already been reviewed favourably on a few book websites ( Goodreads and the Page 99 test ). Unfortunately, the aftermath of the 2008 crisis is still with us - witness Greece, near-zero interest rates, QE, low economic growth etc.. Unstable banking has a h