Owen Sims sent me this interesting article which looks at whether Twitter can predict the stock market. Johan Bollen, a computational social scientist, used algorithms to measure the mood and sentiment of tweets in order to to gauge the public mood. The measure he developed was correlated with subsequent movements in the stock market. This correlation may be spurious, but behavioural economists have increasingly been interested in how public sentiment affects asset markets and they have used the news media to get a handle on sentiment. See, for example, Paul Tetlock's work in this area - click here.
According to Robert Shiller , speaking at Davos, Bitcoin is a perfect example of a bubble - story here . Shiller sees Bitcoin as a backwards step in the evolution of money. George Selgin , a free banker, takes an opposing view - click here . Although he doesn't believe that Bitcoin is money, he sees its development as a fascinating turn in the evolution of money. In particular, he lauds the fact that Bitcoin production is constrained and cannot be infinite. There is a short video below where Bitcoin explain how it works.