Banks and financial institutions hate regulation. It is cumbersome, costly to adhere to, and costly to circumvent. In this HuffPost blog post, Denis Kelleher outlines the five fronts on which Wall Street has been fighting government attempts to regulate banks. Big banks have largely been successful in fighting off costly regulation. In my forthcoming book published by Cambridge University Press, I advocate either total regulatory lock-down of the banking system or no regulation. In the case of the latter, governments would also have to credibly commit to not bailing out banks when they get into trouble. The mishmash of complex rules we have today isn't fit for purpose. After all, this system didn't prevent the 2008 crisis!
According to Robert Shiller , speaking at Davos, Bitcoin is a perfect example of a bubble - story here . Shiller sees Bitcoin as a backwards step in the evolution of money. George Selgin , a free banker, takes an opposing view - click here . Although he doesn't believe that Bitcoin is money, he sees its development as a fascinating turn in the evolution of money. In particular, he lauds the fact that Bitcoin production is constrained and cannot be infinite. There is a short video below where Bitcoin explain how it works.