The Thatcher government privatised large parts of British industry in the 1980s (click here for a short history of privatisation in the UK). But privatising Royal Mail would have been a step too far back in the 1980s. However, this is not the case today as the letter market has contracted due to the advent of technology. Royal Mail is essentially a parcel delivery service and a deliverer of official (usually government) letters, and the former is a growth business thanks to internet shopping. See below a video from MoneyWeek which argues that Royal Mail is a good investment.
According to Robert Shiller , speaking at Davos, Bitcoin is a perfect example of a bubble - story here . Shiller sees Bitcoin as a backwards step in the evolution of money. George Selgin , a free banker, takes an opposing view - click here . Although he doesn't believe that Bitcoin is money, he sees its development as a fascinating turn in the evolution of money. In particular, he lauds the fact that Bitcoin production is constrained and cannot be infinite. There is a short video below where Bitcoin explain how it works.